According to the American Heart Association the top 10 reasons people don’t exercise are as follows:
EXCUSE #1: I’m too tired to exercise.
EXCUSE #2: I can’t afford a gym.
EXCUSE #3: I don’t have time. Or I am a full-time parent.
EXCUSE #4: I need to be motivated to exercise.
EXCUSE #5: I don’t like to exercise alone.
EXCUSE #6: I get bored easily. Exercise is no fun.
Excuse #7: I’m too old/fat/uncoordinated/embarrassed to exercise.
EXCUSE # 8: I’ve tried before. Or I can’t stick with a program.
EXCUSE #9: I don’t like to work out around the opposite sex.
EXCUSE #10: I don’t like to sweat. Or I don’t want to take another shower and reapply makeup.
I have heard all or some variation of all of these excuses before, but I would also add one more, so we will call it Excuse #11.
EXCUSE #11 I don’t want to go to the gym!!!!! Excuse #11 is usually followed with any number of additional reasons for not wanting to go to the gym. The people, embarrassment, confusion, pressure, etc., the list goes on and on and I’ve seen and heard them all and I get it. The bottom line is that people have many different and personal reasons and that’s that.
What if you could workout at home alone while your baby napped or your spouse got ready for work?
What if that workout only took 20 minutes of your day and actually worked?
What if you actually got stronger, more fit and defined?
What if that workout changed all the time and was not repetitive and boring?
What if it didn’t cost you $100’s to get started?
What if we remove all of your excuses and you really started to be healthy, fit and strong?
What if I told you I have the answer?
Chances are you would think “another BS sales pitch that doesn’t work”. But what if you are wrong?
What if what I am offering really does works?
I will teach you how to train with resistance bands and I will teach you how and why they work to build real strength and fitness. I will give you and understanding of why it is not necessary to spend hours in the gym and why those hours in the gym seem to deliver few if any results for most people. And finally, once you have an understanding of resistance band training you will not need me as a "personal trainer" any longer, so this is not a long-term commitment to pay for a trainer for years to come.

If this is something you find interesting give us a call and let’s talk.

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